Would buy again for sure! April 12, 2015 15:22

We've been using this dog shampoo for a few weeks now on our newest addition to our family, Gemma the Pitt Bull. She doesn't really have and skin issues but this shampoo made her smell fresh, without that overpowering scents that are usually in doggie shampoos, It's just a nice clean & fresh scent. He fur is nice, shiny and soft. She's such a beautiful dog and this just made it that much better. She still hasn't got the hang of baths yet but I can't say she minded it. I've let my in-laws borrow this shampoo for their Jack Russell, Bella. Ms. Bella does have a lot of skin issues and is allergic to so much (I really had no idea dog could be allergic to grass before) They were very please with this shampoo as well. They said she didn't dig at her skin as much and some of her bald spots were less red and irritated. Even though I did receive this bottle for free for review, I do plan on purchasing this product again in the future.
By Marissa K